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Looking for a Hyundai? I’m Your Guy! Visit Mississauga Hyundai for a Super Deal!

Military Appreciation Program

Military Appreciation Program


Our Home and Native Land

Learn more about the Military Appreciation Program @Mississauga Hyundai



Hyundai Auto Canada is pleased to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Canada with the launch of its Military Appreciation Rebate Program to active and veteran personnel as well as their family memebers living in the same household. We want to show our support and pay tribute to our Canadian Forces community who continute to serve our great country.


Military Appreciation Rebate OfferThis special rebate offer is available in addition to all in-market retail programs at the time of sale.

Program Eligibility

This offer is valid from Jan 3rd, 2019 until further notice.

  • Customers must purchase or lease any NEW Hyundai vehicle (2018MY and onwards)
  • Vehicles must be retailed (NVIS'd) within the program period.
  • Family members living in the same household as that of the Military personnel also qualify for this offer.
  • Customers must provide a copy of the following documents to support association with the Military:
  • Copy of Military ID/membership card for Active and Veteran personnel and copy of their driving license with their address on it.o For family member(s) - Copy of driver's license showing the address.o Note: Address on the family member's driving license should match that of the driving license of the military personnel to qualify for this offer.
  • Must clearly show on Bill of Sale the Military Appreciation Rebate Program offer that the customer is receiving (applied AFTER TAXES).
  • This offer is not transferable or assignable and cannot be protected and cannot be applied to previously program protected units.
  • This Program is subject to revision or cancellation at HACC's discretion.


Required Documentation

  • Copy of Military personnel ID/membership card for Active and Veteran personnel and copy of their driver's license with the address on it.
  • For family members purchasing the vehicle - Copy of driver's license with their address on it
  • A copy of the bill of sale.
  • A copy of the new Hyundai vehicle registration
  • A copy of this claim form signed by both the dealer and the customer